We teach grades K-8 in two, multi-grade classrooms.
K-4th Grade
Stephanie Adams has a degree in nursing along with her teaching certificate. She came to the CAES teaching staff at the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year for her first year of teaching. She is a very creative and strong leader in her classroom and we are blessed to have her.
Contact Miss Adams: sadams@indysda.org

5th - 8th Grade
Kendra Knudson teaches 5th-8th grades and is our Principal. She has a
BS in Elementary Education from Andrews University, is an authorized reading specialist trained in Dyslexia interventions through Marian University and is currently working on her MA in Reading Science with Mt. St. Joseph University. She has been teaching for 13 years, has taught internationally and loves to read, bake/cook and sew in her free time.
Contact Ms. Knudson at: principal@cicerosdaschool.com